Meet and Greets

During the week of January 15th through 20th, the Candidates for the XI Bishop of Mississippi will be traveling through the Diocese and participating in four scheduled Meet and Greets. 

At these Meet and Greets, the Candidates will be answering questions submitted by the laity and clergy of the Diocese, along with having more informal time to visit with attendees after the room rotations. Also, each Meet and Greet will be live-streamed for those who may not be able to attend. 

In order to prepare for the Meet and Greets, the Transition Committee and the host sites are asking that those planning to attend to please RSVP via the RSVP form below. 

Questions must be submitted via the Question Submission form below. No questions will be taken from the floor. The candidates will not have access to the submitted questions before they are asked.

Deadline to submit questions: January 8th, 2024

Deadline to RSVP: January 12th, 2024

If you enounter any issues with the forms or have any other questions or concerns, please contact the Transition Committee at

Question Submission Form

To submit questions for the Candidates, click HERE or click the graphic above. 

Meet and Greet RSVP Form

To register to attend a Meet and Greet, click HERE or click the graphic above.

Questions or Concerns?

For questions or concerns regarding the Meet and Greets, or if you encounter any issues with the forms, please contact the Transition Committee at